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Words are our most
Monday, 15 April 2013 @ 01:05 | 0 notes

All my life I've been taught the power that words carry, from experiencing the harshness of it all and it's ability to cut deeper than any blade to its remarkable ability to restore and empower lives. And the scariest part is that all of us have been given this power. Quoting from spiderman (cause I'm a nerd like that), with great power comes great responsibility, and we are all responsible for how we choose to use this 'gift' that we have been given.

For one, choose to speak only the positives. We do not have control over the situations that arise in our life, however do have the ability to control our reactions. And truth is, negativity never makes a situation better, it only adds fuel to the fire. Negativity breeds greater negativity. I honestly hate being around people who have a negative disposition because hearing all those discouraging words and just being around that negative energy in general really affects me. Like what all parents tell their kids - if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it. Trust me, it's not always easy to do so especially when the situation gets you all rifled up, but it doesn't hurt to just take a step back and clear your mind. I think speaking positives help to make you a happier person as well, because in order to speak positive things you need to start thinking positive and soon by doing a simple act of saying positive things you're making your way towards living a happier life. 

Secondly, don't abuse the gift that we've been given. Don't use words to bring others down for your own benefit, don't use it to make you feel better about yourself. Because abusing a gift like that to make yourself feel a wee bit better for that split moment, isn't worth it. Words can do terrible things and one might not be ready for the consequences that come along with it. And when you destroy others, you end up destroying yourself along with it. 

Words can lead to life or destruction and the choice lies within you. 

Here's little insights from Cheryl's thoughts of the day :)

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The Blogger

Cheryl L.
Fashion x Photography x Travel
& everything else under the sun

To infinity and beyond ∞

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Chasing the Sun
Tough As Rocks
Warm glow
Whalentine Day
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