Express Yourself
Friday, 21 June 2013 @ 11:11 | 0 notes
art /ärt/ (noun.)
1. The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination
2. Works produced by such skill and imagination
We all see the same things, but oddly enough we end up with different views and takeaways from them. Why? It's simply because the world is defined by our own perspectives as we choose to understand and analyze what we see in our own light.
I've been taking some time off for myself , time for me to relax and catch a breather. In this span of time, I've grown to adopt a new perspective and have been seeing the world from a different perspective. I'm seeing myself shy away from logic and 'safe zones' and moving towards embracing the more 'artistic' side of life. It's hard to use words to explain how different my thoughts are nowadays from what they used to be but it most certainly is an interesting journey to see how one can be transformed drastically simply through changing ones perspective.
One of my greatest pleasures of late is discovering and creating art in the simplest and most mundane things around me. The interesting thing about art is that it doesn't have to be defined perfectly nor does it have to fit into a mould of any sorts. You're free to experiment and create whatever art you wish to and it's a true expression of yourself as it is created through your skill and your imagination. For some reason, I find great comfort in that.
The photos above are the results of a normal outfit shoot with an added dash of my artistic flair. They are quirky, weird, bordering eccentric and totally not me but I absolutely love them.
Here's to trying new things, gaining new life experiences & embarking on new adventures.x