Safe Harbor
Thursday, 15 August 2013 @ 11:25 | 0 notes
Update coming your way soon :)
15:00 Hours
Friday, 2 August 2013 @ 15:00 | 0 notes
15:00 hours; that's when I decided to unleash the little odd ball in me.
I'm Cheryl, 18 going on 19 and currently residing in +65. My obsessions include growing out my mermaid hair (and playing with it when I'm bored or nervous), constantly checking my emails, edting photos on the go and being on my iphone 24/7. Even though I'm pretty much tech obsessed, I'm not one of those people who "never looks up", in fact I think I look up more than most would. The sky never fails to intrigue me, and whether in the day or the night, rain or shine, I would gladly look up to escape this crazy world for a while. I like to observe my surroundings as well and so you'll me wide awake on long bus rides trying to take in as much as possible. You'll also realize that I'm one of those individuals who are super sensitive to stares and if you happen to look at me (for an uncomfortable period of time if I might add), I will find you and I will shoot you a glare. I hate uncomfortable/awkward situations and I'd try my best to get out of them by either pretending to be clueless or to just laugh it off. I also wear my shades almost everywhere because I hate making eye contact with random strangers. They say your eyes are the windows to your soul and I would hate to have them be so vulnerable to random passerby's. However having said that, I do love to flash random smiles at people who pass me by and I know that it makes absolutely no sense to do one and not the other, but it's just the way I am.
At the end of the day, I would have to admit that I'm a total weirdo. But you know what, everyone's a little bit weird and that's what makes us different from each other. These little quirks that I possess make me uniquely me and I love them.
I'm an odd ball and I'm proud of it.
And so should you .x